Sunday, September 25, 2016

Update: Sickness

Just time for a quick update. Sorry for the silence on the blog, I've been quite sick for a while. I normally would have posted on Friday, but got sick Thursday night. Stomach cramps, intestinal troubles (lots of bathroom breaks), nausea, and headaches. It was painful to be out of bed on Friday, and too frequently painful even in it. It was quite a rough day. The one time I forced myself to get up for a couple hours, it felt like someone was banging a basketball on the inside of my head, which was refreshing compared to the pain I had been in earlier in the day. Sleep has been difficult to come by in long chunks, so a lot of my time has been resting, lots of two hour naps, and lots more just trying to sleep. The remaining time was trying to distract myself from my body so I didn't go crazy. I felt a bit better on Saturday, still awful, but usually not too bad in bed, and I spent a bit more time up (which was still kind of painful). Today was quite a bit better, although frequent bathroom breaks were still required, and my head is still in a bit of a fog. I don't even know when I'll be tired enough to sleep tonight, my sleep schedule is so off, although I've been awake since noon here, possible my longest stretch all weekend, so hopefully sometime soon.

I'm now way behind on homework; the main reason I'm posting is that I don't foresee myself posting another blog post before Saturday, and perhaps not even then, while I try to catch up on everything.

On the plus side, I left the dorm exactly once, very briefly, (to get myself a large bottle of Sprite on Saturday to allow me to calm my stomach, which semi-worked), so my knees have gotten tons of rest.

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